Educational Blogs
10 Places To Visit In Mumbai For Kids - Curated by

Top 10 Places To Visit In Mumbai For Kids - Curated by

Mumbai is a vibrant and exciting city that offers many interesting and educational experiences for children. From the Elephanta Caves to the Nehru Science Centre and the KidZania indoor theme park, there are many attractions for kids to explore. Below are top 10 curated list of 10 best places you can explore.

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India's top 10 toy store and retailer -

FirstToyz ranked as top 10 Toys and Games Retailers in India by SiliconIndia

FirstToyz® ( has been ranked as the Top 10 Toys and Games Retailers in India by leading magazine SiliconIndia. The idea at FirstToyz® was always to create value and help children in their holistic growth and this recognition by siliconindia makes the journey a truly fascinating one. 

We want FirstToyz® to create and write a compelling odyssey for as many parents and children as with India at its helm.

Join us in this spectacular voyage of bringing smiles.

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Let’s Play- How play helps in a  child's development earlylearning, educational, Firsttoys, FirstToyz, parenting, parentingblogs, playtherapy, specialeducator FirstToyz®

Let’s Play- How play helps in a child's development

 What is the occupation of a child? … To play.. Yes!  It’s as simple as that, and there is tremendous potential in play. The truth though is somewhere while teaching A,B,C, 1,2,3 we have forgotten to let our children play.

Remember our childhood, when we came back from school, without even waiting to change our uniform or to finish lunch we would just run out to play with our friends. In each of these games, be it hide and seek, running and catching each other or pretend playing teacher, teacher, doctor, doctor (that’s how we use to call these games as kids ) we never realised that we were developing so many vital skills which were going to help us later to become physically strong mentally agile, emotionally stable and problem solvers. But, Is our children playing enough?

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Imitation - The First Step Towards Learning earlylearning, educational, Firsttoys, FirstToyz, parenting, specialeducator FirstToyz®

Imitation - The First Step Towards Learning

In my profession as a special educator, I always meet parents, anxiety written on their face and thousands of questions racing through their minds. I am a parent too, being the mother of an autistic child, I suddenly rewind back to those days, when I was on the opposite side.

Usually, the conversation would be like my two plus child knows 1-10, A-Z, knows some colours and shapes and yes, some fruits, vegetables and vehicles too. I would see a cute bundle of joy reciting all that the parents asks him/her to do with lots of coaxing. I then call the child’s name and simply tap the table at times or clap, only to find the child lost in his or her own world and not even aware of the actions I have done. No fault of the parent too, for our education system expects a child barely in his 3rd year of life rattle all this and at times write too in a play school.

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Top five most fantastic LEGO Ninjago Lloyd Minifigure suits that you must buy!! Aadarsh, Firsttoys, FirstToyz, Lego, physical games, toys FirstToyz®

Top five most fantastic LEGO Ninjago Lloyd Minifigure suits that you must buy!!

Top five most fantastic LEGO Ninjago Lloyd Minifigure suits that you must buy!!

Hello Readers, I am, Aadarsh Upadhyay with another blog. In this blog, I will discuss the top Five LEGO Ninjago Lloyd Minifigures that a real Lloyd fan must have. I am putting all of my efforts into writing this blog as I have been a LEGO Ninjago fan since I was very young and this is really a topic that I love discussing.

In this blog post, I will be discussing all of the pros and cons of each of the top five suits. This is all my personal opinion. I am a fan of the green ninja as his powers are extraordinary. I also like his personality. Here are my personal favorite Lloyd suits ever made!!

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Selecting toys and games as per age group and its benefits

A child’s brain development is one of the important aspects of life that is to be kept in mind while growing up. Brain development takes place at a very high pace in the first three years of life. At this time, it is very important for a parent or a guardian to choose the right toy or game so as to increase the motor skills, cognitive skills and emotional intelligence of the child. 

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How IoT and AI is changing the game/toy industry and its impact

AI toys promote innovation, technology, implementation of creativity and focus. But with AI toys, a lot of PC and mobile games also provide the opportunity of learning. Only thing to be taken care of is that your child doesn’t get addicted to mobile phones as it might hinder their mental and physical health. Furthermore, precautions can be taken as stated earlier. All in all smart toys using  AI, iOT have been a major breakthrough in the field of science and technology helping kids to learn fast and grow creative and smarter.

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Impact of digital and physical play on early childhood

Early childhood is a time period in which the development and growth of brain in a child is at the apex . It is the stage in which children are highly influenced by their surroundings . We can't ignore the fact that playing is a crucial part of their lives which makes a significant contribution towards the early development.

In this article we would be exploring some of the important affects of play in the early stages of childhood and how it stimulates learning . Our main focus throughout this article would be how digital and physical play can impact a child during early development .

Play is important as not only does it  help children becoming more mindful about their surroundings but also helps in stimulating creativity and making them more experienced and mature by giving them life lessons from their daily activities . They also begin to have their own opinions and perspective about various things in life . A good playing environment can help in improvement of mental and physical health .

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